Living space sometimes can be no-living space due to the clutter. Below are some tips in decluttering your house and revive your beautiful living space.
- Keep the kitchen clean and tidy by utilizing the most out of your cabinets both on the wall and on the floor. Extra rack and hanger can be installed on the back of the cabinet or the door to increase the cabinet and towel hanging space.
- Keep your bathroom organized and clean by throwing away all the expired products, such as, sunscreen lotions or other medicines. Extra hanger can be installed on the back of the door and the cabinet door to create more hanging place for your towel. The space under the sink can be utilized by installing the shelf or plastic drawer to keep extra items.
- You can make sure of the space under your bed by putting in the extra storages boxes to store your seasonal items. In addition, the bedside table with extra storage at the bottom can be used as an additional storage for your items.
- The cords and cables of all your electronic equipment should be kept and organized by securing them in the cable boxes or using the shelf with the cable ports.
- Clear the coffee table and utilize the space under the coffee table to store the items. Try to place the furniture to create the good flow of movement. For example, round coffee table, so, people can walk around without bumping their knees.
Credited: AMANDA GARRITYWebsite:
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